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If you are a parent or carer of a pupil attending Abbey, we can provide you with paper copies of any information on our website free of charge, simply contact us to request.
Key Contacts
Head Teacher: Mr J Briggs
Chair of Governors: Mrs E De la Motte
SENCO: Mrs N Carbert
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs V Folkes
Teacher in charge of Looked After Children: Mrs N Carbert
Our Address
Federation of Abbey Schools
Cleveland Terrace
School Hours
EY – 8:45 to 9 – 3 to 3:15
Y1 and Y2 – 8:50 – 3:20
Y3 and Y4 – 8:55 – 3:25
Y5 and Y6 – 9:00 – 3:30
Total school hours a day for all year groups is 6.5 hours which equates to 32.5 hours per week.
The Federation of Abbey Schools is part of the Melrose Learning Trust. Click the icon to learn more about the Trust.