Welcome to Abbey Schools

We are a warm, inclusive family school with a strong sense of community and a commitment to excellence for all children in our care. We aim to ensure that our children feel safe and happy and achieve their potential as unique individuals and as learners.

Abbey is a learning community, which evolves and changes. We believe that education is about expanding our expectations and building on firm foundations. It is critical for our success that every learner is well equipped with a balance of social, moral and academic skills. We have excellent staff who are committed to providing unique, stimulating and interesting learning opportunities, which motivate our learners to apply their skills.

We hope that you find our website useful and that it gives you a good understanding of what we offer and how we work. However, if you have any further questions, please contact the school where we will be happy to help. If you are a prospective parent or carer, please get in touch to arrange a visit.

Thank you for visiting our site!

Mr J Briggs
Head Teacher

Aim High // Work Hard // Achieve Together

Our News!

Family Support Services Darlington

Supporting children, young people and adults with Autism, ADHD and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Daisy…


Domestic Abuse Support Services

We have been asked to help raise awareness of domestic abuse support services in the…


Darlington Parent Carer Forum Peer Support

Wellbeing Wednesdays Fortnightly sessions are being run by the Darlington Parent Carer Forum, 10am-12noon at…