School Council

Council of School Councils

We are taking part in this very exciting project alongside school councils from other Darlington schools, to help make our town a better place for children and young people. We have attended our first virtual meeting where we discussed the key issues that are important to us. We will be working collaboratively with the other schools on environmental issues, supporting local charities, and supporting our Junior Member of Youth Parliament.

Learning about Parliament

To help us understand our role better, we attended an online workshop with UK Parliament to learn about the work and role of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. We learned about the difference between UK Parliament and Government, the work of MPs and members of the House of Lords, how laws are made and how we can get our voices heard.

Junior Member of Youth Parliament

We are taking part in the elections to nominate Darlington’s first Junior Member of Youth Parliament! The elected candidate will be a champion for children’s voices and will work with the council, councillors and other partners on key issues affecting children and young people across the town. It is open to children in Years 4 and 5. We heard some fantastic manifestos, which were delivered with passion and confidence. Our elected candidate – Vishw – will run in the elections with candidates from other schools in January.